A good school district makes a good community. Or does a good community make a good school district? What do you think?
“The CEO program is much more than a textbook course. Rather, students are immersed in real life learning experiences with the opportunity to take risks, manage the results, and learn from the outcomes.” www.prairielandceo.com
The Praireland Program involves high school seniors from Paxton-Buckley-Loda, Gibson City-Melvin-Sibley and Fisher and is a Foundation-supported activity to complement area economic development efforts. Training, materials, content, mentoring and, guidance for CEO programs are provided by the Effingham, IL based Midland Institute for Entrepreneurship. https://www.midlandinstitute.com/ A facilitator for the year-long, 2-credit-hour, high school course has been hired by the local CEO board and local business owners will serve as mentors to students enrolled in the course.