“It takes a noble person to plant a seed for a tree that will one day provide shade to those he may never meet” – Unknown Author
In 2019 when the PBL Endowment Fund was created, the intent of the Education Foundation Board of Directors was to find a funding mechanism to provide us with a long-term, reliable source of funding for academics in our district. IT IS WORKING! At the end of 2023, The Foundation received another* $250,000 anonymous gift pushing the principal fund balance over $1,000,000! Yes! The plan IS WORKING! And yet we urge our supporters to help us continue growing the “base” or principal. Why? Because we do not take money out of the principal to use for academics in our school district. We take the income earned from the principal.** When the principal grows, so does the amount of money we can use for district academics. Growing the PBL Endowment Fund ensures our school district will have a long-term, reliable source of funding. Throughout the year when you talk with your financial advisor about a tax situation, estate planning, or how you can leave a legacy in your community, ask the advisor how The PBL Endowment Fund might help you accomplish your goals.
• IRA Rollover • Grain • Stocks • Insurance • Cash • Memorials • Real Estate • Charitable Trust • Life Insurance • Include a gift in your will or living trust
* We received our first $250,000 anonymous gift in 2019 when we started the Pillar Campaign which was created to jumpstart the endowment fund.
** The PBL Endowment Fund’s spending policy states that the amount of funds we can use for academic programs in our district is “up to 5% of a 5-year rolling average of the principal.” We DO NOT spend the principal.
Check with your personal tax advisor when determining the most advantageous giving method for you.
Endowment Fund Gift Acceptance Policy
Endowment Fund Spending Policy
Endowment Fund Investment Policy
The PBL Endowment Fund is managed by The Foundation’s Endowment Committee.
Contact the Endowment Fund Committee at: [email protected]